Current Students: Join Zoom Webinar - MY Real Estate School

Current Students: Join Zoom Webinar

ALL Students must have registered for the zoom room as there are certain classes and lectures that will be participated in via zoom only.Join your ZOOM Room Here


NOTE: You will need to log in to your zoom account before registering for the webinar. If you do not have a zoom account, you must create a free one. 

or Sign In
1. Set up your free zoom account or sign in to your existing zoom account. ALL students MUST have a zoom account in order to register for the webinar room.
2. Register for appropriate webinar using the link provided.
3. You will receive a confirmation email with the link to the webinar and you may join from that link.
4. Create a bookmark to access the same link to each class each week that will be sent to you in a confirmation email.
5. TEST the device specifications to ensure they work with your devices and bandwidth by utilizing the different testing options.
6. Phones are NOT allowed for use as your primary device for accessing the zoom class. There will be whiteboards, participation, and note taking that is required. Please only use a desktop/laptop computer or a tablet if compatible.